
📖 Table of Contents

👉 Current Status

  • Actively developed and open to enhancements from contributors.

  • This Reference Manual is quite mature. But API documentation still needs a lot of work…

  • Last Updated: Wed Feb 05 2025.

🕒 Upcoming Features

  • Mixin feature to create new component types based on (but not limited to) SmarkForm template.

  • Dynamic and reactive options loading for dropdowns (comming soon) through the API Interface).

  • Infinite lists (with lazy loading through the API Interface).

  • Properties be automatically mapped as data-smark-<property_name>-like (and vice-versa) attributes enabling [data-smark-<property_name>]-like CSS selectors.

  • The “API interface”, that will allow, for instance, to use other fields values as arguments an external API request to, say, fill the options of a <select> tag.

  • The “src” property for import action, that will allow to load data from an external source every time the action is triggered. Also taking advantadge of the API interface, that will allow you to use other fields values as arguments for the API request.

  • The «select» component type with dynamic options loading through the API interface. The set of options could change depending on the value of other fields. In this case, they will be automatically updated every time it’s needed.

  • The «multiform» component type, able to seamlessly works in tabular or accordion layouts, that will allow for multiple subform structures to be used in the same form, depending on the nature of the data being edited.

  • The UNDO component.
    • Contains single component (form, list, input…).
    • Acts as a “man in the middle”.
    • Listen to the (future) component’s “change” events to capture (export) and store changes.
    • Make its own changes’ events distinguishable from regular ones (to avoid re-caching).
    • Provide additional “undo” and “redo” actions.
    • Etc…
  • Recursive lists:
    • recursive = (path) (Must be parent)
    • min_items = 0 (forcibly)
    • max_recursion = (optional) Self item will be removed from template when reached.
  • Implement the “target” option for import and export actions.
    • Will work as a (mutually exclusive) alternative to the “data” option.
    • If provided (instead of “data”), the import action will get the value from the export action of the target component and vice-versa.
    • 🚀 This will allow easy data duplication between components (i.e. across lists’ items).

💡 Brainstorm

The following are spare and not yet mature ideas for possible future components (not necessarily and in most cases they won’t be core components but just plugable components in their own repository).

Implement “hint” component type

  • A component that can be used to display hints in a designed location using the “title” attribute of trigger components.
    • 👉 Consider to include all components with a “title” attribute.
  • Will look for all triggers in their context (recursively, but excluding subcontexts with their own hint component).
  • Will intercept the “mouseover” event of each of them and display their “title” attribute when the mouse passes over any of them.
  • 💡 …or it may be just a new action for forms…
    • Hmmmm… 🤔

Implement Table Of Contents component

  • Scan targetted component recursively.
  • Refresh on every change (add or remove items).
  • Show only components with a “toc-section” property.
  • Allow navigating to every secton through their (full path) id’s.
  • Implement a “return to TOC” actions.
  • Stop scanning on compoenents containing a self-targetted TOC.

Implement download action

  • Implement in lib/component.js.
  • Rely on (each type)’s export action.
  • Allow to specify file name (maybe even prompt…)
  • Downloads (exported) json by default
  • …but allow for transformation filters to generate other kinds of data from json input.

Sample code for download fuctionality:

function download(fileName, payload, ctype = "text/plain", charset="utf-8") {
    var dldAnchor = document.createElement('a');
    dldAnchor.setAttribute('href', `data:${ctype};charset=${charset},${encodeURIComponent(payload)}`);
    dldAnchor.setAttribute('download', fileName); = 'none';

// Usage example
download(myFile.json, {foo: "bar"});