Quick Start

A SmarkForm form can be created by following a few simple steps:

This section is meant to be educational. If you are eager to get your hands dirty, 🏁 go straight to the Examples section, download the one you like the most, and start editing to see what happens.

📖 Table of Contents

Quick Start

Create an HTML document

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>My First SmarkForm Form</title>
    <h1>My First SmarkForm Form</h1>

Alternatively, you can just pick our Boilerplate file so that you can miss the third and fourth steps of this guide too and 🚀 go stright to the nitty-gritty.

Include SmarkForm Library

Next, load SmarkForm to your document.

The easiest way is using a CDN:

<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/smarkform@0.8.4/dist/SmarkForm.umd.js"></script>

Alternatively you can use a local copy of SmarkForm if you don’t want to rely on external sources like a CDN.

👉 You can get and include SmarkForm in your code in a lot of different ways.

You can also add an additional <script> tag for the few JS code we will need to write.

Our complete layout may look as follows:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>My First SmarkForm Form</title>
    <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/smarkform@0.8.4/dist/SmarkForm.umd.js"></script>
    <h1>My First SmarkForm Form</h1>
    <!-- Your form markup goes here -->
      /* Your JS code goes here */

Create a simple HTML form

Start by writing the form markup in plain HTML. For example, let’s create a simple form like the following:

👁️ Preview
<div id="myForm">
        <label for="nameField">Name:</label>
        <input type="text" id="nameField" name="name">
        <label for="emailField">Email:</label>
        <input type="email" id="emailField" name="email">
        <button>❌ Clear</button>
        <button>💾 Submit</button>

You may notice that there is no <form> tag. Just a regular <div>, in this example with an Id that we will use to capture the node to enhance it as a SmarkForm instance.

You can use a <form> tag instead if you like, but it is not actually necessary.

Initialize the Form

In your JavaScript tag, create a new instance of the SmarkForm class and pass the DOM node of the form container as parameter:

⚙️ JS
👁️ Preview
<div id="myForm">
        <label for="nameField">Name:</label>
        <input type="text" id="nameField" name="name">
        <label for="emailField">Email:</label>
        <input type="email" id="emailField" name="email">
        <button>❌ Clear</button>
        <button>💾 Submit</button>
const myForm = new SmarkForm(document.getElementById("myForm"));

Ok: Nothing exciting happended by now…

Do the magic

By default, SmarkForm ignores all DOM elements in its container unless they are marked with the data-smark attribute.

This is because you can have html fields or buttons that belong to other components or functionalities of the page and you don’t want them to be taken as part of the form.

Let’s mark all fields, buttons and labels… with it:

⚙️ JS
👁️ Preview
<div id="myForm">
        <label data-smark>Name:</label>
        <input type="text" name="name" data-smark>
        <label data-smark>Email:</label>
        <input type="email" name="email" data-smark>
        <button data-smark='{"action":"clear"}'>❌ Clear</button>
        <button data-smark='{"action":"export"}'>💾 Submit</button>
const myForm = new SmarkForm(document.getElementById("myForm"));

Now, if you go to the Preview tab and fill some data in, you can then hit de ❌ Clear button and see that, it already works!! 🎉

Also notice that the for attribute of all <label>s had been removed and they still work (if you click on them, corresponging fields get focus anyway).

All elements with a data-smark attribute are SmarkForm components of a certain type.

SmarkForm components’ type is often implicit, either by their tag name (like the <label> elements), their type attribute in case of <input>s or by the presence of the action property that tell us they are action triggers.

👉 The 💾 Submit button is working too. It’s just we configured it to trigger the export action but we haven’t told it what to do with that data.

To do so, we only need to listen the proper event:

⚙️ JS
👁️ Preview
<div id="myForm">
        <label data-smark>Name:</label>
        <input type="text" name="name" data-smark>
        <label data-smark>Email:</label>
        <input type="email" name="email" data-smark>
        <button data-smark='{"action":"clear"}'>❌ Clear</button>
        <button data-smark='{"action":"export"}'>💾 Submit</button>
const myForm = new SmarkForm(document.getElementById("myForm"));
/* Show exported data in an alert() window */
myForm.on("AfterAction_export", ({data})=>{
    window.alert(JSON.stringify(data, null, 4));

Now go to the Preview tab, fill some data in and try clicking the 💾 Submit button.

Alternatively, most event handlers can be provided at once through the options object.

Everything works now. 🎉

Go further…

However, if it were a larger form, we might not feel so comfortable with the ❌ Clear button (“clear” action trigger) clearing everything in case of an accidental click.

Luckily, we can listen to the BeforeAction_clear event and gently ask users for confirmation before they lose all their work.

Let’s see a simple example using a window.confirm() dialog:

⚙️ JS
👁️ Preview
<div id="myForm">
        <label data-smark>Name:</label>
        <input type="text" name="name" data-smark>
        <label data-smark>Email:</label>
        <input type="email" name="email" data-smark>
        <button data-smark='{"action":"clear"}'>❌ Clear</button>
        <button data-smark='{"action":"export"}'>💾 Submit</button>
const myForm = new SmarkForm(document.getElementById("myForm"));
/* Show exported data in an alert() window */
myForm.on("AfterAction_export", ({data})=>{
    window.alert(JSON.stringify(data, null, 4));
/* Ask for confirmation unless form is already empty: */
myForm.on("BeforeAction_clear", async ({context, preventDefault}) => {
    if (
        ! await context.isEmpty()     /* Form is not empty */
        && ! confirm("Are you sure?") /* User clicked the "Cancel" btn. */
    ) {
        /* Prevent default (clear form) behaviour: */

Notice that, if you go to the Preview tab and click the ❌ Clear button nothing seems to happen (since the form is already empty so there is no need to bother the user asking for confirmation) while, if you fill some data in and then click again, it will effectively ask before clearing the data.

Customize your form

Now you have a SmarkForm-enhanced form. SmarkForm will automatically handle form submission, validation, and other interactions based on the provided markup and configuration.

👉 You can customize the behavior and appearance of your SmarkForm form by configuring options and adding event listeners. SmarkForm provides a wide range of features and capabilities to simplify form development and enhance user experience.

👉 Start exploring the Core Concepts section for a deeper understanding of what is going on and continue with the rest of this SmarkForm manual for more details and examples to discover all the possibilities and unleash the power of markup-driven form development.

🔎 Here you have a few examples of a larger forms that demonstrates some additional capabilities of the library:

List of telephones:

⚙️ JS
👁️ Preview
📝 Notes
<div id="myForm">
<div data-smark='{"name":"phones","type":"list","of":"input","max_items":6,"sortable":true}'>
    <button data-smark='{"action":"removeItem","hotkey":"-"}' title='Remove this item'><span role='img' aria-label='Remove this item'></span></button>
    <input data-smark='data-smark' type='tel' placeholder='Telephone'/>
    <button data-smark='{"action":"addItem","hotkey":"+"}' title='Add new item below'><span role='img' aria-label='Add new item'></span></button>
    <button data-smark='{"action":"clear"}'>❌ Clear</button>
    <button data-smark='{"action":"export"}'>💾 Submit</button>
/* Emphasize disabled buttons */
button:disabled {
    opacity: .5;

/* Reveal hotkey hints */
button[data-hotkey] {
    position: relative;
    overflow-x: display;
button[data-hotkey]::before {
    content: attr(data-hotkey);

    display: inline-block;
    position: absolute;
    top: 2px;
    left: 2px;
    z-index: 10;

    background-color: #ffd;
    outline: 1px solid lightyellow;
    padding: 1px 4px;
    border-radius: 4px;
    font-weight: bold;

    transform: scale(1.4) translate(.1em, .1em);

const myForm = new SmarkForm(document.getElementById("myForm"));
/* Show exported data in an alert() window */
myForm.on("AfterAction_export", ({data})=>{
    window.alert(JSON.stringify(data, null, 4));
/* Ask for confirmation unless form is already empty: */
myForm.on("BeforeAction_clear", async ({context, preventDefault}) => {
    if (
        ! await context.isEmpty()     /* Form is not empty */
        && ! confirm("Are you sure?") /* User clicked the "Cancel" btn. */
    ) {
        /* Prevent default (clear form) behaviour: */

👉 Limited to a maximum of 6 numbers.

👉 Notice trigger butons get propperly disabled when limits reached.

👉 They are also excluded from keyboard navigation for better navigation with tab / shift+tab.

👉 Even thought they can be triggered from keyboard through configured (Ctrl-+ and Ctrl--`) hot keys.

👉 …Notice what happen when you hit the ctrl key while editing…

👉 Also note that, when you click the 💾 Submit button only non empty items get exported.

👉 …You can prevent this behaviour by setting the exportEmpteis property to true.

👉 Change items order by just dragging and dropping them.

Simple schedule:

⚙️ JS
👁️ Preview
<div id="myForm">
    <button data-smark='{"action":"removeItem","hotkey":"-","context":"surveillance_schedule"}' title='Less intervals'>
        <span role='img' aria-label='Remove interval'></span>
    <button data-smark='{"action":"addItem","hotkey":"+","context":"surveillance_schedule"}' title='More intrevals'>
        <span role='img' aria-label='Add new interval'></span>
    <span data-smark='{"type":"list","name":"surveillance_schedule","min_items":0,"max_items":3}'>
            <input data-smark type='time' name='start'/>
            <input data-smark type='time' name='end'/>
        <span data-smark='{"role":"empty_list"}'>(Closed)</span>
    <button data-smark='{"action":"clear"}'>❌ Clear</button>
    <button data-smark='{"action":"export"}'>💾 Submit</button>
const myForm = new SmarkForm(document.getElementById("myForm"));
/* Show exported data in an alert() window */
myForm.on("AfterAction_export", ({data})=>{
    window.alert(JSON.stringify(data, null, 4));
/* Ask for confirmation unless form is already empty: */
myForm.on("BeforeAction_clear", async ({context, preventDefault}) => {
    if (
        ! await context.isEmpty()     /* Form is not empty */
        && ! confirm("Are you sure?") /* User clicked the "Cancel" btn. */
    ) {
        /* Prevent default (clear form) behaviour: */

to (Closed)

Don’t miss the Examples section for more…

Final notes

Boilerplate file

If you prefer to start from scratch, congratulations!!

But, be aware that SmarkForm is intended to not interfere with your HTML and CSS.

It adds great functionality but does nothing with the layout and styling of the page or even its components.

Nevertheless, if you liked the styling of our examples and want to start a new project, don’t miss our Boilerplate Template.

You can pick it from the Resources ➡️ Download section of this manual.

You don’t need a form tag

You don’t even need a <form> tag. In fact it is not (yet) advised to use it for SmarkForm forms.

If you do so, they will be submit-prevented so they can act as kind of failback behvaviours in case of JavaScript being disabled.

But it’s not yet clear which could be a future enhancenment of native <form> attributes, such as action, in successfully enhanced <form> tags.

Using your own copy of SmarkForm library

If you don’t want to rely on an external resource like a CDN, take the following steps:

<script src="path/to/SmarkForm.js"></script>

Alternative forms to get/include Smarkform

There is plenty of ways to get SmarkForm. Either as ESM module or highly compatible UMD format you can download it from this page, install as npm package, directly link as a CDN…

For more detailed information, check out the section Getting SmarkForm.

The option’s object

If you want a more compact syntax to provide, at least, most basic functionality at once, you can use the options object.

const myForm = new SmarkForm(
    , {
        onAfterAction_export({data}) {
            // Show exported data:

All AfterAction_xxx and BeforeAction_xxx events can get their first event handler attached through functions respectively named onAfterAction_xxx and onBeforeAction_xxx in the options object passed to the SmarkForm constructor.

The only differrence here is that AfterAction_xxx and BeforeAction_xxx events can be attached to any SmarkForm field.

Handlers passed through that options are attached to the root form.